Manufacturer: Micropolis Model: 4221WAV TD# 470494
Interface... Fast Wide AV SCSI-2 Formatted Capacity... 2050.0 MB
Cylinders 4150 Heads 9 Sectors Variable
Landing Zone Max Cyl Precomp N/A RWC Cyl N/A
Encoding Method RLL1,7 Xfer/Mb(async/sync) 10/20 MTBF (Hr X 1000) 650
Form factor 3.5" Novell Y/N N Height 1"
Power (Typical) 11.2W Power (Max) 12.5W Speed 7200
Avg seek (ms) 8.9 Cache 512k Mfg. Warranty 5 YRS

Copyright ⌐ 1996, 1997 Tech Data Corporation

Configuration and Jumper Options

Pin Numbers refer to the Option Jumper Block)

SCSI ID Selection

Up to sixteen devices (the host and fifteen targets) can be attached to the SCSI bus. These are selected with jumpers on the Option Jumper Block or on Auxiliary Connector J1B (use either but not both); see the Note below the J1B drawing for J1B usage. In multiple-device systems, each device must have its own Unique SCSI ID. The SCSI ID (drive address) jumpers are identified as ID0, ID1, ID2, and ID3. ID selection is binary, as shown below.

0 Out/open Out/open Out/open Out/open
1 In/Ground Out/open Out/open Out/open
2 Out/open In/Ground Out/open Out/open
3 In/Ground In/Ground Out/open Out/open
4 Out/open Out/open In/Ground Out/open
5 In/Ground Out/open In/Ground Out/open
6 Out/open In/Ground In/Ground Out/open
7 In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground Out/open
8 Out/open Out/open Out/open In/Ground
9 In/Ground Out/open Out/open In/Ground
10 Out/open In/Ground Out/open In/Ground
11 In/Ground In/Ground Out/open In/Ground
12 Out/open Out/open In/Ground In/Ground
13 In/Ground Out/open In/Ground In/Ground
14 Out/open In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground
15 In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground

Interface Termination

If terminators are installed at RN1, RN2, and RN3 (default), the drive provides termination for the SCSI interface. If the terminators are not installed, the drive does not provide interface termination.

SCSI terminators are installed only in the end devices on the SCSI cable; remove the terminators from each of the other devices. The SCSI Host Adapter card and the last drive in the chain should have terminators.

Terminator Power

W1 and W2 select the source of power (+5V) for the interface terminators; W3 controls the drive supplying +5V to the bus.

   W1    W2    W3

    Y     N     -     Drive provides terminator power. (Default)
    N     Y     -     Host provides terminator pwr via J1 pin 26 
                          to RN1 and RN2

    -     -     Y     Drive supplies +5V to the bus via J1 pin 26.

Remote LED

A user-supplied LED may be connected to Remote LED (Pins 1 and 2).

Spindle Options

Jumpers at SP0 (Pins 11 and 12) and SP1 (Pins 13 and 14) control the spindle options.

	SP0	SP1

	 N	 N	The drive starts the spindle motor at power-on. 
	 Y	 N	The drive waits for a Start Unit SCSI command 
			   to start the spindle motor.
	 N	 Y	Spindle start-up is delayed based on SCSI ID 
			   address (12 seconds per ID)

Write Protect

A jumper at WP (Pins 15 and 16) selects the write protect option.

	Jumper		The drive is write protected.
	No Jumper	The drive is not write protected. (Default)


A jumper at PTY (Pins 17 and 18) selects the bus parity check option. The drive always generates parity regardless of this option.

	Jumper		SCSI interface parity checking disabled.
	No Jumper	SCSI interface parity checking on. (Default)

Spindle Sync Signals

Use of the MSYNC and SSYNC signals is optional. These signals are used as spindle synchronization reference.

Auxiliary Connector J1B

Note: J1B is sampled at initialization for jumpers on pins 7-8, 5-6, 3-4, and 1-2 for SCSI ID3, ID2, ID1, and ID0 respectively; these connections (if not jumpered) are then released for the following usages:

A dash character (-) at the end of a signal name indicates that it is asserted at the low level (i.e., active low) and negated at the high level.

Drive Fault (XTFALT-)

Output signal negated (Default); indicates no drive fault.

Output signal asserted; indicates a drive fault condition.

Slave Sync (SSYNC-)

Use is optional; used as spindle synchronization reference.

Remote LED-

Open collector output; used to drive a user-supplied LED to indicate the drive is active.

Ground (GND)

Logic ground; provides signal ground.

+5 Volts (+5V)

5 VDC (1A max); used to drive external LEDs.

Write Protect (FAULT-)

Input signal negated (Default); drive is not write protected.

Input signal asserted; drive is write protected.

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